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How do i know if i am a therian/otherkin?Like werewolves/werecreatures, otherkin and therians can awaken later in life or in puberty. Around this time they will begin to experience different types of shifts, or may not experiance any shifts at all. You can be a therian or otherkin while being a shapeshifter. But commonly it seems most therians or otherkin to do not report psychical shapeshifting and many of them flat out do not believe in physical shifting.
What is a therian?A therian is a shortened word for the 'therianthrope'. Traditionally the term once only meant a person whom could shapeshift into the animal they identified with. A therian is some one who identifies as 'non human' or part human. A therian knows and understands that they are human but do not exactly identify as human. Therian is not a identity crisis it is what the person truly feels inside that they are not (fully human). Some believe they also share the soul of the animal they identify as, or the soul inhabits the human body of that animal. If this is true it will mean the mind may be human but the soul is not. It is often very much thought that the mind body and soul are all one. While others believe there is other explanations to why they are therian. What ever the case we definitely do not choose it and are born this way.
How to become a werewolfThere are only two ways i know of to become a werewolf. You must be bitten or born. The born werewolf A born werewolf is a werewolf threw there genetic heritage and is not bitten and turned. A born werewolf will have there first transformation during puberty. The bitten werewolf A bitten werewolf is turned/changed by the the werewolf this is not just a simple bite. Likely a virus enters the body and slowly begins the transformation process. How quick the full transformation is unclear. The person being bitten will go into shock at first. Because like any bite the werewolf bite can be dangerous and there is a risk of the person passing away if they do not survive. A werewolf does not have to be fully transformed to successfully pass on the virus. However, most were's believe you can only be born while genes can be dormant and skip generations. Please do your research (though reliable resources are limited) also try and speak to a real werewolf if you can find one, be warned there are a fair amount of fake ones out there online so this can be tricky. This is not a video game, roleplay etc. this is more real than you think or want to believe. As such you may want to consider that your life will be changed forever, there is no going back.
How do you become a were creature?Most people believe that you must be bitten or born to become a were creature. There may be a genetic basis for it and it can run in families or its something that can happen that we cant fully explain like a unknown virus that alters the dna and perhaps that can be genetic to or its something magic we just dont fully understand maybe a bit of all three. Shapeshifting has been all threw history and its no question anything can and is possible. While others believe you must be cursed such as they have a spell placed on them or they cast a spell on themself. Personally, ive never heard of any successful spells, but that does not mean they are not possible or don't exist. I imagine though a spell would not cause a permant transformation and as such unless you have had a curse placed upon you i cannot imagine this would be the cause of were creatures.
What should i do if i am a werewolf?There is nothing you need to do you cannot change what you are but speaking to real weres or shapeshifters is helpful, it can become very lonely as you are unable to relate to humans with your experiences. But even though you feel alone please do know there are others out there like you.
How do i know if i am a were creature?There is a couple of different ways to tell if your a were-creature. I am reluctant of how much information i give out publicly due to scammers, hunters, posers etc. This information i am happy to discuss with you in private message or you can write a post on the forums. There is also many who have not awakened and have no idea what they are. This is one of the purposes of why i created this community.
What is a were creature or were?A were creature or 'were' is some one who believes to be or identifies as/is part animal. Just like a therian a were creature does not identify as 'fully human'. Just like a therian weres experience many different types of shifts. Some therian/otherkin may identify as a were. Some weres may believe they are a hybrid a mix between animal and human. While others may not see themselves as a hybrid at all. A were can be any type of were animal. It can be mythological, fantasy and even extra terrestrial.
Werewolf anatomyA good example of werewolf anatomy. The top photo is more accurate. By loboleo credit goes to them 100% Credit go to all artists Permission to use from Sugarpoultry Thank you <3
What is a shapeshifter?A shapeshifter is a creature or person capable of changing their physical form or shape. Most commonly a specific or specific types of animals. Shapeshifting is a common theme in mythology and folklore, and in modern fantasy and science fiction. Shapeshifters are often associated with werewolves, and Landofthewerewolf is a Q&A community dedicated to discussing topics related to werewolves and shapeshifting.
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