Some may say energy is mass, and mass is a spirit but only if it has or ever had a preset form. Djin are said to have no form but i find this interesting as i always see them as black shadows in the shape of a person. It definitely depends on your opinion and how you look at things. Like mass energy takes on no form of shape however you can use it to shield yourself.. A spirit however has a form but the soul in side of the spirits orb would be mass as there is no definitive form until the spirit is no longer in the orb and formed into a shape or entered a body. Orbs have a form but inside is where the soul resides. The orb seems to be the vessel to carry the spirit to where it needs to go these are normally souls lost or ready for there new birth in search of a body to become reborn.
There are many different types of spirits.
The types of spirits are;
Shadow people and or Djinn
Non living organisms like vehicles or vessels.
The types of energy are;
Memory/Past - A repeated event that has enough energy to appear as a haunting (residual haunting) This energy is replaying of the past. This energy can be so strong that negative events that happened can play a significant role on the location its tied to.
Man made - A energy you have placed there intentionally or unintentionally.
The types of hauntings are;
Residual Haunting
A haunting that has memory. The event sticks in the area time does exist for this haunting. The event just repeats itself. This generally happens after a negative event but can happen from something positive that has occurred to. Negative energy can stick around. But thankfully it can be removed. We can leave a imprint of ourselves.
Poltergeist Activity
Just like a active haunting a poltergeist is often described as a angry or aggressive spirit. They are said to be spirits who are powerful enough to throw objects.
Shadow Beings
A spirit that appears in a black form silhouette that has no solid form. Some refer to them as the jin or Djinn. The djinn were said to be genies. The djinn to have no solid form. They were said to be jealous of the humans for not being able to have a solid form. They have the ability to shapeshift there form as the do not have a preset one.
Active or Intelligent
A spirit that has not passed on. These spirits often do not know they are dead. But sometimes they do.
This post is not complete and i will continue editing this thanks for reading'.